
WASHINGTON D.C., August 24, 2015 (Hindu American Foundation): Teachers from around the Washington, DC region took part in the three-day Teach India! teacher training workshop organized by the Hindu American Foundation (HAF), California State University-Long Beach, and the Sri Siva Vishnu Temple (SSVT), the first ever program featuring a partnership of this kind. The workshop was held from Aug. 20-22.

The workshop focused on applying historical thinking to teaching approaches. Sessions featured HAF’s well-regarded Hinduism 101 program, discussions on how to read and interpret primary source documents such as the Upanishads, and lectures on Indian history from the Harappan era to modern times. Though the workshop featured lessons on how to better understand Hinduism and Hindu texts, facilitators also highlighted India’s rich cultural and religious history, including the development of Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism, and the interactions between Dharmic traditions and Abrahamic ones such as Christianity, Judaism, and Islam.