
UNITED STATES, August 26, 2015 (Vedanet by Vamadeva Shastri): Western academia has had an almost uncritical control of Hindu studies, unlike that of any other religion. There are few practicing Hindus in academic positions in the West, and those that exist rarely challenge the dominant discourse openly in front of their peers. Indians seem to be encouraged if they are Marxists or Non-Hindus. This is very different than Christianity, Judaism and Islam that have many practicing members in the ranks of academic teachers in the West, who openly defend their faith.

There is a new battle over Hindu studies and what Hinduism means in a global context, particularly since India now has what is regarded as a more pro-Hindu government. The popularity of Hindu based movements worldwide like the many different Yoga groups, Vedanta and Ayurveda are part of this issue. While Hinduism is being denigrated at an academic level as backward and superstitious, Hindu-based ideas are at the forefront of much of the new spiritual, healing and ecological thought in the world.

While Americans today have learned to respect the Hindu-American community — which is one of the most affluent and educated minority groups in the country — they would be surprised to know that much of American academia, which is supposed to represent tolerance, still treats them in a demeaning manner.

Much more of this interesting article at source.