
UNITED STATES, August 28, 2015 ( The Google Cultural Institute is increasingly helping the Indian culture flourish on a global platform, bringing the best of Indian art and culture online. Google announced that it has added ten new partner institutions to digitize and share their content via its platform. The U.S.-based tech giant is surely doing much to promote Indian culture, and its museums, which are nothing more than tourist attractions having barely any footfalls these days. The Google Cultural Institute, which was launched in 2012 in India with the National Museum and the National Gallery of Modern Art in Delhi as initial partners has now announced to having added 2,000 new images and 70 virtual exhibits to Google’s platform.

“The mission of the Cultural Institute is to make the world’s heritage accessible for global audiences and to preserve it digitally for generations to come. By bringing India’s rich heritage online, we hope to introduce people across the globe to the fascinating world of Indian culture, history, and art. We have expanded the scope of our technology so that anybody with a mobile phone can now explore Indian culture through unique partner apps. Partners can also embed content on their website, helping making Indian culture easily accessible to all,” Amit Sood, director of the Google Cultural Institute said.

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