
USA, September 27, 2015 (The link Newspaper): It is not uncommon to hear that America is a melting pot of different cultures. However, it will be more appropriate to call it a cultural graveyard. America is too young to develop its own culture. What it has can be called a work ethic based upon instant gratification. Therefore by being assimilated by it you cannot acquire any new culture; you can only lose your original culture. This is exactly what has happened to people of many cultures who become a part of America. This is the reason that it qualifies to be called a cultural graveyard. How can we find remains of many of those cultures in America? Those can be found in the form of the different languages’ which people used to speak. It is true; however, all these people who speak the different languages are destined to lose their language over a period of time. Language forms the foundation of a culture. Therefore, loss of a language can be called a loss of a culture. When people lose their language then they are bound to lose their distinct culture identity. Since America has been unable to evolve its own culture yet and does not want to accept the other cultures, the only future left for any culture there is eventual oblivion.

More at source of this long article by Dr. Sawraj Singh, MD F.I.C.S. is the Chairman of the Washington State Network for Human Rights and Chairman of the Central Washington Coalition for Social Justice.