
UNITED STATES, February 9, 2016 (Religion News Service): Eager to support a Muslim student’s effort to dispel stereotypes, teachers at a public high school in Rochester, N.Y., last week helped non-Muslim students try on a hijab for a day. Predictably, there were protests. The school system received about two dozen calls opposing the activity. Residents, many of them parents, told local news stations that they saw the activity as forcing a religion on students.

While some opponents laced objections with anti-Muslim comments, they were right to question the appropriateness of public school teachers’ appearing to endorse a religious article of clothing. The school system and the school approved the day, and 150 scarves were donated for the occasion.

The World of Inquiry, a K through 12 school, likes experiential approaches, but religion requires special handling. Besides weighing the effect on the religion being represented, teachers also have to consider whether an activity simulates ritual, makes students uncomfortable or creates the appearance of promoting a particular faith.

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