PORT-OF-SPAIN, TRINIDAD, April 14, 2016 (HPI by Paras Ramoutar): For several weeks now, Hindus in Trinidad have joined their counterparts in the Indian diaspora worldwide in the observance of Nau Raatri and Ram Nowi. Observances have been taking place at hundreds of mandirs, other public places and in homes. Devout Hindus have been abstaining from all forms of merriment, alcoholic drinks and meats as they pay serious obeisances to Mother Durga, Mother Lakshmi and Mother Saraswati, and this nine-day affair will culminate on Saturday with the observance of Ram Nowni.

Spiritual Leader of the Edinburgh Hindu Temple, Pundit Ramesh Tiwari, in his nightly homily, has continued to underscore that devotion to the Feminine Aspect of the Supreme Being is the way to go. “Just as your earthly mother responds to your pains, your cries and your problems, likewise Mother Durga, Lakshmi and Saraswati would respond if your approach them with benevolence, faith and devotion. Nothing remains impossible to achieve or to realize if your devotion in executed with faith,” he said.

Some 24 percent of the population of 1.3 million people are Hindus. Hinduism was brought here between the period 1945 and 1917 when just about 150,000 East Indians were brought here from India, principally Uttar Pradesh and Bihar to work on the restoration of a declining agricultural sector following the freedom of slaves.