
ARIZONA, USA, May 12, 2016 (YogaDork): This is some much-needed fantastic news you can share with all your friends and family … and, no, it has nothing to do with putting your feet over your head, Uncle Charlie. A recent study found that yoga, yes yoga, is better at keeping your memory sharp than all those puzzles and brain training apps you download to try and “exercise” the old noodle. In the “more good news” department, yoga was also found to relieve depression and anxiety in people who practiced regularly. The study, which was funded by the Alzheimer’s Research and Prevention Foundation in Tuscon, Arizona, involved 25 participants over the age of 55. Through functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) brain scans the researchers saw changes in the way the brain cells connect with each other changed in both groups, but they were only statistically significant in the people practicing yoga.