KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA, December 27, 2001: Malaysia Hindu Sangam president A. Vaithilingam (e-mail at “source”) issued the following statement today regarding a TV program broadcast in Malaysia. “The Malaysia Hindu Sangam is shocked that NTV7 broadcasted a television program titled “Islam, Cara Hidupku” on Saturday, December 22 that recounted the experiences of one Muhammad Fitri Abdullah, a Hindu convert to Islam. The Malaysia Hindu Sangam is appalled that NTV7 has broadcast such a highly sensitive program abounding with statements, images and video clips that attack the religious sensitivities of Hindus in Malaysia. The sole aim of the program was clearly and unambiguously to encourage non-Muslims, and Hindus in particular, to abandon their religion and embrace the Muslim religion. The program gave the impression that only Islam is a true religion, only Islam provides a complete and satisfactory way of life and that there were Hindus who were lying and spreading untruths about Islam. The general tenor of the program clearly intended to paint a negative portrait of religions other than Islam, without giving an opportunity for non-Islamic religions to participate or give their point of view. The whole program was completely against the culture of tolerance we Malaysians have, and will disturb the religious harmony of our country.”