
UNITED STATES, August 9, 2016 (Yogadork): At almost 87-years-young Anna Pesce is inspiring people of all ages with her incredible transformation thanks to her new dedication to yoga practice. For decades, Pesce suffered from severe kyphosis — a hunchback-like posture that left her in a lot of pain. The condition was a result of a herniated disc, scoliosis and osteoporosis.

She tried lots of different things to help. “I tried everything: acupuncture, a physical therapist and seeing a chiropractor,” Pesce told the NY Post. “You feel good temporarily, but [I’d be] in pain again soon after.” Pesce started working with yoga teacher Rachel Jesien who is trained specifically in spinal issues and has scoliosis herself. The two began meeting once a week to practice restorative yoga and stretches to alleviate pain and build strength. After one month, Pesce could walk again. After two months, she was already doing poses on her own whenever pain flared up.

Yoga has been shown to help treat, prevent, and even in some cases reverse orthopedic problems. It’s become increasingly popular with physical therapists and other healthcare professionals as more and more people experience positive results.

Photos at “source” above.