
KOLKATA, INDIA, October 4, 2016 (India Times): Durga Puja is a major Indian festival and thanks to the amazing art on display, it has also been billed as the world’s largest street carnival. Every year for about seven days, the city of Kolkata, that hosts over 4,500 pujas, comes to a standstill to celebrate Durga Puja. The ensuing week promises a lot in the form of aartis, dhaki drumbeats, cultural shows, food and feasting. The five-day Durga puja carnival, beginning on 6 October, 2016, celebrates the annual descent of Goddess Durga on earth to visit Her parents, according to Hindu mythology. This year, Durga Puja will be celebrated from 7 October to 11 October

Millions of people are already planning their puja schedule — over the next few days they will walk or drive around the city, going pandal-hopping with friends and family. Kitchens will be shut down for the length of the fest as people sample the fare at pop-up food stalls that have sprung up everywhere. According to reports, the footfall is expected to be near ten million.

The city is already looking like a new bride, adorned with lights and colors. Durga Puja isn’t just a religious event for Bengalis, it is a carnival with all-night live music sessions, open-air plays, literary fairs, poetry readings and great food. Each year, puja organisers go all out to impress visitors with unique ideas and themes. Artisans start work much earlier to complete the pandals in time.

For a list of must-see pandals and festival activities, as well as colorful photos, see “source” above.