Source: Times of India

AMEDABAD, INDIA, JANUARY 1, 2002: As if the existing increase in the divorce rate in India wasn’t enough, people are actually now planning to get married during astrologically inauspicious times. For example, some so-called progressive Gujaratis have started ignoring the no-marriages-during Kamurta tradition. Many are getting married in Kamurta (December 14 to January 14), a time when in Gujarat even government projects will not be inaugurated. Maulik Shah, a wedding invitation expert, says the main reason for having marriages during Kamurta is the easy availability of decorators, wedding planners and caterers who are normally out of work during the inauspicious month. Another is that non-resident Gujaratis return to Gujarat to arrange marriages during their Christmas vacation period in the West. Some astrologers argue, for unknown reasons, that the Kamurta applies only to residents of Gujarat, not to the expatriates who stay abroad.