
LEICESTER, ENGLAND, November 30, 2016 (BBC): The Shree Sanatan Mandir, one of Leicester’s oldest and largest Hindu temples, has urged worshippers not to give new five pound notes in donations after the Bank of England confirmed they contain animal fat. The notes are made from small amounts of tallow, derived from animal waste products, which has angered a number of groups who are against animal harm.

Vibhooti Acharya, from the temple, said the revelation has been a source of “frustration” among Hindus as hurting animals is against their beliefs. She said: “No-one was informed and it’s been thrown upon us. We don’t have the opportunity to choose. There needs to be a decision made between committee as to whether we accept five pound notes in religious ceremonies in future. We have to give a reasonable amount of time for resolve, [but] we can’t really take any drastic steps because it’s just not practical.” She said the temple will encourage people not to bring in the fivers as charitable donations and will put up notices to make them aware. However, Ms. Acharya said it was a “matter of choice” and the temple will accept them for now.