
KAUAI, HAWAII, December 9, 2016 (HPI): Now five weeks into its two month run, Himalayan Academy’s Digital Dharma Drive has raised $33,000. Among several of the Academy’s projects supported by the drive is the one you are reading: Hindu Press International, so please donate today at “source” above.

In announcing the drive November 1st, Hinduism Today publisher Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami wrote:

“A number of accomplishments have been achieved since we wrote to you a year ago. Our Hinduism Today website underwent a major upgrade to its look and functionality. Parts Two and Part Three of our movie History of Hindu India were completed and added to our YouTube channel. The pace of the addition of new viewers is impressive. Part One has past 1.5 million views, Part Two 570,000 and Part Three 475,000. Clearly the series is fulfilling a need. Parts Four and Five are in the editing stage. Another accomplishment is our second mobile app. It is available through the Apple and Google stores. The title is ‘Spiritual Workout’ The app provides a ten-minute routine of spiritual practice with multiple options in each of the five areas of sadhana.

“As you know, following the vision of our Gurudeva, Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami, all the material on our websites–and now our new mobile apps–is available for free online. However, to cover needed professional fees and to continue to upgrade and expand, we ask for donations the last two months of the year, following the model of Wikipedia. For six years running, you have responded generously, and after another year of working hard to enhance the sites and their resources, we are back again with this appeal.

“In our ‘How Your Donations Were Used’ page (, we detail what we did with your past generosity, and what we hope to accomplish in the coming year. Your contribution this year will go to the enhancement of our websites and their content, and the development of mobile apps. The funds we raise in this drive do not pay staff salaries or administrative overhead, since these sites are created and maintained by selfless monks who work for free and live simply in our remote monastery on the island of Kauai.”

Donate today and support us in our efforts to sustain, improve and expand our Hindu digital resources for the benefit of this and future generations.