
NEW DELHI, INDIA, May 26, 2017 (Indian Express): Animal markets — pashu haat or pashu mela as they are popularly known in many parts of the country — can no longer be used to sell or buy cattle for purposes of slaughtering them for meat. The Environment Ministry today issued new rules to regulate these animal markets with the stated objective of preventing cruelty to animals and streamlining trade in cattle. The new rules would apply to bulls, cows, buffalos and camels.

The rules are likely to make it difficult for the slaughter houses, even legal ones, to source cattle for meat, especially since the definition of animal markets includes lairage as well. Lairage is a place where cattle rest while being transported to markets or slaughterhouses. The rules require the seller as well as purchaser to give an undertaking that the cattle being sold or bought was not meant for slaughter. “…no person shall bring a cattle to an animal market unless upon arrival he has furnished a written declaration signed by the owner of the cattle or his duly authorised agent….stating that the cattle has not been brought to the market for sale for slaughter,” says one of the provisions.

More at “source” above.