
LONDON, ENGLAND, June 5, 2017 (National Council of Hindu Temples UK): On Saturday evening Prime Minister Theresa May visited BAPS Swaminarayan Mandir, Neasden, and over 3,500 Hindus gave the PM and her husband Philip a rapturous welcome. Arriving to a warm and dignified reception and welcome, the Prime Minister opened her address with “Jai Swaminarayan” the spiritual greeting of the Swaminarayan tradition and the congregation exploding into thunderous applause, opened their hearts to her.

Her speech which recognised the contribution of British Hindus and the importance of strengthening Indo British ties in a post Brexit world, received passionate applause. The PM recognised the “Karma Bhumi” principle behind the Hindu ethics of hard work and social service “to the land where one lives” and she made particular reference to the world renowned Hindu commitment to education. Prime Minister went on to reiterate that “British Hindus provide a shining example of how a community can integrate successfully and embrace British values whilst retaining their cultural heritage and identity. “British Indians provide inspiring role models across all walks of life, from business to medicine; finance to charities; and teaching to the creative industries.”

More at “source” above.