ASHLAND, VIRGINIA, JANUARY 8, 2002: Boy genius Gregory Smith finished high school in two years with an A+ average. He was 10 years old. His IQ is “off the chart.” According to parents Bob and Janet Smith, Greg began speaking simple words at three months old and full sentences quickly followed. He could recite memorized books before his first birthday and read on his own shortly after. He solved arithmetic problems at 14 months and at two he was reading about dinosaurs and chatting knowledgeably about the Cretaceous Period. He observed that people had flat teeth, like plant-eating dinosaurs, and concluded that human beings must be herbivores, not carnivores. He persuaded his family to become vegetarians. Greg, now 12, is a college senior at Randolph-Macon College in Ashland Virginia. In addition to his vegetarianism, Greg has a rigid moral code: He walks out of a movie at the third curse word because he considers profanity verbal violence; when a film in class contains nudity or sex, he puts his hands over his eyes or leaves the room; when his family rents movies, Greg vetoes anything rated PG-13 because he is only 12. He abhors the thought of animals in pain. Greg’s strong feelings on non-violence and human rights for children has mushroomed into a philanthropic foundation called International Youth Advocates.