
INDIA, August 18, 2017 (Hindu Post): American students on short-term mission trips to Bharat in pursuit of the Great Commission (the Biblical mandate to make disciples of all nations) is a phenomenon that has grown rapidly recently. Where do these students go? Well, most of them come to countries which fall in the 10/40 window – a rectangular area of North Africa, the Middle East and Asia between 10 degrees north and 40 degrees north latitude. The 10/40 Window includes the majority of the world’s Hindus and Buddhists and Muslims – over 4 billion “unreached” people. Missionaries prefer to focus on converting Hindus, tribals and Buddhists

Now, a routine article ( in a nondescript US paper, Fort Madison Daily Democrat, published from the Mid-Western state of Iowa has revealed five interesting insights about how missionaries operate in and perceive Bharat. The article reveals routine abuse of India’s visa regulations, a decided focus on Hindus as easy targets, use of humanitairan service to evangelize and the selling of Christianity as the route to prosperity.

One quote from the Fort Madison Daily Democrate article:

” ‘It’s not illegal to be a Christian’ in the southern part of India, Carter said, ‘but Hindus have a problem with Americans going around sharing the Gospel.’ So the missionary couple have been there on a ‘tourist visa’ – for the last 30 years. ‘I thought it was pretty cool,’ Carter said, ‘that God protected them so they could get away with it.’ ‘

Much more at “source” above.