
AUCKLAND, NEW ZEALAND, October 4, 2017 (Stuff): Tens of thousands of people packed Aotea Square and upper Queen Street in celebration of the 16th annual Indian festival of light – one of Auckland’s biggest and most colorful festivals. The sound of rhythmic drumming and sumptuous smells filled the air, growing more intense the closer you came to the heart of the festival. The annual free, family friendly festival features 800 local performers celebrating traditional and contemporary Indian culture, featuring dance and music, food, fashion, arts and crafts, street-theatre and a fireworks display.

Diwali, or Deepavali, is the ancient Hindu festival where families light lamps, candles and fireworks to symbolise the triumph of light over darkness, good over evil and the renewal of life. The first Diwali Festival in New Zealand, held in 2002, was initially set up to raise public awareness of traditional Indian culture and the contribution made by New Zealand’s Indian communities.