
CHICAGO, USA , December 24: Following up on the resounding success of the inaugural WHC 2014, it is proposed that WHC 2018 will have seven conferences running in parallel to deliberate and formulate solutions to the myriad challenges being faced by Hindus throughout the world. Each conference will specifically deal with an area of strategic importance to the global Hindu community – implementation of resolutions and findings from the last conference will be assessed, before holding renewed deliberations and articulating specific solutions to deal with obstacles blocking the Hindu community’s ability to progress in the respective area concerned.

The findings of each Conference will be presented to the Congress as a whole, where the entire Congress’ delegates will have an opportunity to critically examine the work of the Conference and offer their input as well. After the conclusion of the Congress, the individual organizations that conducted each of the conferences will be responsible for monitoring and assisting the implementation of the findings of each conference, and will report at the next Congress on the progress made. All Hindu organisations, associations and institutions are encouraged to participate and are most welcome to become partners in WHC 2018. For any queries, please contact us at

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