
BREMEN, GERMANY, January 17, 2018 (DW): A German milk cow has given her approval to a proposed site for a Hindu temple outside Bremen. The local Hindu community borrowed the animal to suss out whether the land would be good for a temple. A Hindu priest and a group of Bremen Hindus led the milk cow to the field dedicated to building a temple on Wednesday. The animal, considered sacred in the ancient religion, was required to indicate her approval or disapproval of the site. The religious ritual is commonly practiced among Hindu communities in India and Sri Lanka.

On Wednesday, the cow named Madel was taken to the meadow by its owner, local farmer Frank Imhoff. A Hindu priest blessed the animal and decorated it with a cloth, flowers and powder paint. With Madel not attempting to leave the field, her behavior was soon deemed favorable to proceed with construction. “We will build the temple here,” community leader Pathmanathan said. “There are lots of people here and yet the cow feels happy nonetheless.” According to Pathmanathan, the port city of Bremen boasts around 300 Hindu families. Around 100,000 Hindu people currently live in Germany.