NEW DELHI, INDIA, JANUARY 25, 2002: After the decision to introduce Paurohitya (vedic priestly rituals) and Jyotirvigyan (vedic astrology) in Indian universities, the University Grants Commission (UGC) is now considering opening departments in other religions as well. Although the UGC has not made a final decision, the proposal is to open departments in Christian priesthood, Sikhism and Deeniyat (training of Muslim clergy). Before proceeding with the opening of the department of Paurohitya, it was felt that it would be appropriate if the UGC also opened departments for other religions as well to maintain regional balance. UGC officials said the measure was being considered after the commission received letters from different religious groups requesting specialized courses and training programs in their particular belief. The commission has received proposals from 42 universities for the Paurohitya program of priest training.