
DEHRADUN, INDIA, March 26, 20178 (Indian Express): In a grand ceremony organized at the VIP ghat of Haridwar’s Hari Ki Pauri on Sunday, Yoga Guru Baba Ramdev gave diksha for sanyas, or renunciation, to his 92 disciples — the first batch of the 1,000 sanyasis that Ramdev wants to “give the country to make it a spiritual superpower by the year 2050”. The process of making the 41 female scholars, and 51 male scholars of Hindu scriptures into sanyasis, respectively, began at the Haridwar-based Patanjali Yogpeeth on March 21, and culminated on the fifth day in final rituals being performed in the river Ganga in Haridwar, on Sunday, after which Ramdev declared the 92 disciples as “sanyasis”.

The sanyasis are expected to propagate, across the world, the philosophy of the Hindu religion that they have understood while studying the Hindu scriptures during their seven-eight years of preparatory training for becoming a sanyasi. While speaking to the media, Ramdev said, “To make India a spiritual superpower by 2050 while yoga is already being publicized, we, at Patanjali Yogpeeth, are also training individuals to become ideal sanyasis (so that they can propagate the values and philosophy of Hinduism across the world).” According to Ramdev, the event was “remarkable” since it was inclusive of men and women sanyasis, who were from all castes and classes.