
MENDOZA, ARGENTINA, April 3, 2018 (Los Andes, translated from Spanish): By decree of Governor Alfredo Cornejo, the International Yoga Day celebrated on June 21 of each year was declared of provincial importance. The decree was published today in the Official Gazette after a request by the Senate of the province to recognize through a resolution that the UN has invited member states, organizations and civil society to “observe” that day in the appropriate way. The text of the decree states that the General Assembly of the United Nations declared this day in 2014 with the intention of raising awareness about the benefits of practicing yoga.

The decree states that “yoga techniques provide physical, mental and spiritual benefits, and can be practiced in all ages, from children to older adults.” It explains that “yoga is a state of well-being and harmony in the three existential planes of man: mind, body and spirit. It integrates the person with their environment, family, society and nature, through the realization of asanas (physical postures), pranayamas (techniques of control of vital energy) and meditation, which forms an integral whole”.