
TIRUPATI, INDIA, May 16, 2018 (New Indian Express): The newly constituted Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams (TTD) Board of Trustees which met for the first time in Tirumala on Wednesday, decided to retire archakas who have crossed 65 years of age. The decision comes a day after Tirumala Temple chief priest AV Ramana Dikshitulu leveled allegations of impropriety, corruption, and lack of commitment among TTD administrators in upholding the traditional ethos and sanctity of the temple during a press conference in Chennai. Hitting out at TTD Board of Trustees for its decision to retire archaks of the temple who crossed 65 years of age, Ramana Deekshitulu told TNIE that he will move the Court against the decision of the TTD.

The TTD Board’s decision invoked an immediate response from various quarters. Former Chief Secretary IYR Krishna Rao, who also served as TTD EO in the past, found fault with TTD Board’s decision. “Kainkaryam is a lifelong duty which a person performs as long as he is physically and mentally active. There cannot be a retirement for such kainkaryams since it’s not a secular duty. Further priests of Tirumala temple have not opted for a scale of pay with promotion benefits and are also not eligible for any post-retirement benefits. That being the case without the benefits of regular employment it would be unfair to insist on their retirement. TTD board has no powers to retire them. They are continued under a scheme approved by the dharmic Parishad as under the Act. Present government for reasons best known has not constituted the dharmic Parishad. In the absence of the dharmic Parishad, the board cannot retire the priests. The message seems to be if you question on relevant issues you are out,” he said.

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