
UNITED STATES, July 2, 2018 (Save Temples, by Prakasarao V Velagapudi, PhD): Western media have mostly painted a negative picture of India and cherry picked the topics that discredit the Hindu way of life. Hinduism is the only major religion that advocated the peaceful coexistence, embraced non-violence as the pillar of peaceful living, practicing democratic ideals for political stability, provided special opportunities to the minorities, allowed the minorities to have a special status in the constitution whereby they do not adhere to the uniform civil law, never condemned the other religions to hell, never called them as kafirs or Satans, and so on.

It appears that the media have been on a mission to wipe out Hinduism and demean the Hindu leaders and denigrate the Hindu customs and traditions. They seem to abhor the largest democracy on the planet. With all the basic principles of civility, humanity and freedom so inherent in Hindu philosophy, one wonders why CNN, New York Times, The Washington Post, The Independent, The Sunday Times, The Guardian, BBC and many Western journalists haves been particularly revolting against the BJP and repulsive against Narendra Modi, even after he was democratically elected by unprecedented majority.

This is the country that sheltered Parsis, Jews, Buddhists and other religions and guaranteed their right to worship and helped them to maintain their culture. These religions lived in peace and contributed to the richness of Indian culture of tolerance, freedom and nonviolence.

Much more on Western media bias in this lengthy report at “source” above.