
UNITED STATES, August 2, 2018 (Indo American News, by David Frawley): Gurus from India since Swami Vivekananda in 1893 have gained a phenomenal and unexpected influence and prestige not only in the United States but also worldwide that remains extraordinary. Yet they have also invariably been subject to extensive criticism, if not attempts at outright personal defamation. Such media denigration occurred in the case of Paramahansa Yogananda in the nineteen thirties and later to most of the gurus from India in the late twentieth century, starting with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. That it persists today is not surprising given the prejudices that remain against India in general and Hinduism in particular. India is still portrayed as a country that is backward, superstitious and violent, in spite of the fact that India is the worlds’ fastest growing economy today and the world’s largest democracy!

The exaggerated dismal condition of India so promoted is blamed upon India’s Yoga gurus like Baba Ramdev today, who the New York Times portrays as a dangerous political figure because of the extent of his influence. While previous gurus were more threats to religious and cultural prejudices in America, Baba Ramdev – the latest major guru from India to come under an organized media assault – has also challenged the power of American businesses and their efforts to control the India market. His Patanjali Ayurveda is now the largest corporation in India covering not just natural medicines and daily health care items like soaps and toothpastes, but extending now to foods and clothing. Yoga today is also a multibillion-dollar business. Not surprisingly various groups in the West are working to control what Yoga is, often for their personal benefit, though Yoga is originally a spiritual and healing tradition from India. Some groups want to create their own modern forms of Yoga and don’t like to recognize Yoga gurus from India as defining Yoga.

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