
CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, August 28, 2018 (India Times): The resounding message from conference planners of the 2018 World Hindu Congress (WHC) scheduled to take place in Chicago next week, is strengthening the Hindu community on a global scale for the pursuit of the common good for all. The once in a four-year event aims to harness the full potential of Hindus around the globe and provide a platform to network, share ideas and inspire one another. “Any community that wants to progress and be respected must establish global visibility. Economy, education, media, and politics are the primary sectors where we need to increase our impact and women, and youth will be the primary drivers,” said Swami Vigyananand, founder & global chairman of World Hindu Foundation (WHF) and chief organizer of WHC held in Delhi in 2014.

The sold-out conference is expected to host more than 2,500 delegates and has attracted top leaders, heads of state and representatives more than 53 nations, with nearly 23 percent of participants from the Arab countries, South America, UK, and Europe. “For Hindu businessmen, it’s the first of its kind platform to meet and network. The first WHC Congress has set a precedence in 2014 which established our organization as a critical platform for Hindus worldwide,” said Soumitra Gokhale of a member of the WHC international outreach committee. With the goal of promoting the collective power of more than 1.2 billion Hindus worldwide of which more than 35 million exist in the diaspora, the conference will focus on four key areas: business, education, media and politics- with a emphasis on the roles of women, youth and the numerous Hindu community organizations around the world.

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