BANGALORE, INDIA, January 27, 2002: Vanishing from the Northern Indian terrain over 2000 years ago, the river Saraswati’s disappearance has puzzled scientists until traces of it were spotted in satellite photos. Spoken of in the Rig Veda, the mighty Saraswati originated in the Himalayas before flowing through what is today known as Haryana and Western Rajasthan and emptying itself into the ocean. Professor K.S. Valdiya, a 65 year old leading geologist who has received numerous awards, has recently published a book called “Saraswati, The River that Disappeared.” In this publication Professor Valdiya speculates that the river vanished due to ” tectonic upheavals which were common in that part of the country.” Research from satellite photography provided further evidence of the existence of river sand and mud in underground channels that once served as reservoirs for the passage of great volumes of water. The professor believes that earthquake activity in the Siwalik terrene robbed the mighty river of its water.