Paras Ramoutar

PORT-OF-SPAIN, TRINIDAD/TOBAGO, October 18, 2018 (Paras Ramoutar for HPI): The works and times of several Indian Hindu reformers will form part of the 32nd annual Divali Nagar of the National Council of Indian Culture (NCIC) schedule to commence Sunday October 28 to Monday November 5 at Divali Nagar Facility, Endeavour, Chaguanas, according to Surujdeo Mangaroo, public relations officer. Raja Rammohan Roy, Debendtanath Tagore, Ishwar Chandra Vidgesagar, Daboba Pamdurang, Sriddharalu Naidu, Swami Dayananda Saraswati and Swami Vivekananda profiles and their contribution to Indian society with specific reference to Hinduism and Indian Thought will be featured. Mangaroo said that the Folk Theatre will feature local artistes on a nightly basis showcasing their talents in song, music, dance, drama and folk items as well vegetarian food in the Food Court.
A precursor to the Nagar will be the annual Divali Yagna which will commence on Wednesday 17th to 23rd, featuring India-trained Pundit Abhedanand Persad Sharma, Mangaroo said. “Divali Nagar has been able to rekindle the thoughts and wisdom and message of our ancient Hindu tradition, and the stage has now become the epicenter of Hindu religious, social, cultural activities year round. Divali Nagar has now become a global brand name as hundreds of visitors from India, Europe, North America, and the Caribbean visit to learn more about Hinduism as there are several booths giving information of the several disciplines in Hinduism,” Mangaroo said.