
MAURITIUS, December 14, 2018 (Inside News translated from French): Mauritius is perhaps the only country in the world where the state offers religious subsidies for the preservation of places of worship and also for the propagation of religious and spiritual values. Pandit Ved Gopee, who spoke at the 18th graduation ceremony of the “Akhil Bharatiya Vidvat Parishad” in Varanasi, India, declared on December 2nd. The president of the Sanatan Holistic Vidhya Academy who also holds the position of Vice President of the Council of Religions has been honored by the All India Council of Eminent Scholars for his contribution in promoting religious values in Mauritius.

In his speech, he emphasized the contribution of religions in nation-building. He painted our country as a mosaic of culture where fraternity between different beliefs is not a myth. “Our democracy offers space for all religions to flourish side by side and the various religious holidays are also celebrated at the national level,” he said. Pandit Ved Gopee pointed out that Mauritius is considered a paradise on earth. This is thanks to the hard work of our ancestors who, about 180 years ago, came from different parts of the world. “They fed the earth with their blood and sweat,” he said.