
KAUAI, HAWAII, June 1, 2019: HPI is reaching out to find a great writer/communicator to create the text for four large (4′ by 8′) posters on the subject of Dharma in the US and the history/story of Hindus in American. The posters will seek to cover the principal aspects of dharma and to present how Hindus have brought Dharma to the US. It will speak also of their contributions to the nation in the past few decades.

The posters have a design template already, so it is the writing and research that is key, along with finding suitable illustrations and photos.

These highly-informative and well-designed posters will be displayed at a special event, called THREADS, held in Boston November 1-3, 2019 (“source” above). If you feel competent to produce such writing, please contact the editor-in-chief of Hinduism Today here: