Source: Hindustan Times

NEW DELHI, INDIA, January 30, 2002: This article in the Hindustan Times is the latest in a series of reports appearing in Delhi papers regarding corporal punishment in schools. When eight-year old Rachna could not properly read her Hindi lesson, her teacher at the Municipal Corporation of Delhi’s (MCD) primary school reprimanded her by repeatingly banging her forehead against a table. It was only when a patch of her hair came off in his hand did he stop. Rachna’s father, Brij Lal, filed a complaint at the school but when they ignored the incident, he filed his grievance at the NW Delhi police station. In the year 2000, the Delhi High Court ruled that, “Corporal punishment for schoolchildren was a violation of the right to equality, protection of life and personal liberty.” The teacher and the school principal have since written a letter of apology to Rachna’s family. This has done little to alleviate the girl’s fear of returning to school. Under investigation by the police, Shambhu, the teacher, could face six month’s imprisonment and a possible suspension.