
HAMBURG, GERMANY, June 10, 2019 (Universitat Hamburg): Mt. Kailash in the far west of Tibet is one of the holiest mountains in the world, revered by Hindus, Buddhists, Jains and Boenpo. During the last two decades, also Westerners set out for this remote region. Improved infrastructure and more liberal issuing of permits let their number and very much that of Indian pilgrims increase on a large scale. In addition to traditional rules for Tibetan and Indian pilgrims, new regulations to preserve the landscape of Mt. Kailash and neighboring pilgrimage sites were put into force. New observations and explorations in the region of Mt. Kailash and surrounding pilgrimage sites were reported in recent publications and since 2014 discussed in international conferences on the phenomenon of the holy Mt. Kailash.

Another international Kailash conference, the “5th International Conference on the Phenomenon of the Holy Mt. Kailash” with the subtitle “Compilation of Traditional and New Aspects of Mt. Kailash and Surrounding Pilgrimage Sites,” will take place at the University of Hamburg, Germany, March 21-22, 2020. The aim of this conference is to compile both traditional and new aspects in the knowledge of the holy Mt. Kailash and surrounding pilgrimage sites, their interpretation and comparison with old scriptures and tantric vision. Data on Mt. Kailash and the holy lakes will be introduced and systemized. The knowledge of this sacred region in Tibet will be shared, cooperation in further scientific investigation discussed.

For more information about the conference see “source” above.