
CHENNAI, INDIA, July 21, 2019 (India Today): The Indian space agency may be sending rockets and satellites to various planets but are also guided by their own superstitions and beliefs, said a retired official of the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO). On the home front, ISRO will not start the countdown for a rocket flight at Rahu Kala, said the official not wanting to be quoted. Rahu Kala, or the one-and-a-half-hours of planet Rahu each day, is considered inauspicious to start any new work.

“In the case of interplanetary missions, it is not possible to coincide auspicious time with the rocket’s launch time. The latter is decided based on the position of the target planet on the day when the spacecraft is expected to enter its orbit. So, the countdown is started on the auspicious time,” he explained. Similarly, prior to every rocket mission, ISRO officials pray at the famed Lord Venkateswara Temple in Tirumala in Andhra Pradesh and place a replica of the rocket at God’s feet seeking his blessings for a successful flight. Over the years, some more temples near the Sriharikota rocket port have been added to the list and officials or their juniors will visit those temples and pray for a mission’s success. Similarly, pujas, or ceremonies, will be conducted before starting the integration of different stages of a rocket.

HPI adds: It seems the Indian rocket scientists are in good company–this article:

offers a list of “superstitious” behavior followed by the scientists, cosmonauts and astronauts of Russia and of the United States. For example, no American space mission has had the number 13 after the near fatal disaster of Apollo 13. The Russians as well number nothing 13. There are specific rituals of various origins (some a bit odd) followed by the space travelers before launch, as well as prayers offered according to the individual’s faith.