
PERTH, AUSTRALIA, July 18, 2019 (Hindu Council of Australia by Shashi Holla): Secularism means separation of state and religion. Indian law is anti-Hindu and pro-minority. Due to this very nature, Indian Secularism is a double-edged sword. Secularism in India is ineffective, dangerous, and self-destructive. The anti-Hindu bias in domestic and international media is rampant. Hindus are shown as fundamentalists in so-called liberal and reputed publications like “New York Times” and “Washington Post.” Almost every year India stands along with Pakistan and countries alike in religious freedom report prepared by not so neutral agencies like the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom. The resurgence of nationalism and dominance of the current political regimen in India is the direct result of perverted secularism, which is not in sync with Indian customs, dharma and culture. It is perplexing that the media, academia and intellectuals uphold the rights of Muslims and others to practice and propagate their religious way, but Hindus rights to articulate their religion, sentiments or cultural concerns are considered communal.

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