SINGAPORE, February 12, 2002: Non-Hindus of various religions and ethnic groups are helping to rebuild the 127-year-old Sri Senpaga Vinayagar Temple in Ceylon Road, a Katong landmark often referred to simply as the Ceylon Road temple. Their generosity has helped the temple to raise more than US$2.7 million in three years. Mr R. Theyvendran, chairman of the rebuilding project, said that many contributors were non-Hindus. Some donors contributed cash, while others contributed by paying to light lamps during temple ceremonies. One donor paid for 5,004 lamps to be lit during a 10-day festival and pledged to pay for another 5,004 lamps when the building is ready. The temple has to be rebuilt because its foundations are weak. More than 20 craftsmen from India are working on the intricate carvings that will adorn the walls and roof. The one-story granite building is expected to be completed by next year.