
INDIA, September 19, 2019 (BBC Travel): Located roughly 62 miles from the Arabian Sea in the western state of Gujarat, a vast expanse of snow-white salt cakes a barren desert, creating a surreal series of saline mud flats that stretch north to India’s border with Pakistan. Known as the Rann of Kutch, this tortoise-shaped landmass is divided in 2 parts: the Great Rann, which covers 7 sq miles, and the Little Rann, which comprises more than 2 sq miles. Together, these blindingly white mudflats and tall grasslands form one of the world’s largest salt deserts and provide up to 75% of India’s salt harvest. Yet, for several months each summer, as the monsoon rains flood the Ranns, this land of parched white salt completely disappears.

Spectacular photos and two short videos can be viewed at “source”.