
BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS, November 7, 2019 (India New England News): Attended by about 400 delegates from 30 states in the United States and Canada, the Threads 2019 conference, organized by World Hindu Council of America, concluded on Sunday after three days of thought-provoking and captivating deliberations. Hindu-American thinkers, artists, educators, writers, public policy makers, scientists, medical professionals, technologists, entrepreneurs, business leaders came together on one platform to share their stories and journeys, celebrate their accomplishments and share ideas for brighter and better America for future generations. .

Dr. Jai Bansal, the convener, opened the conference by welcoming the 400 delegates and dignitaries, travelling from more than 30 US states and Canada. In his welcome address, Dr. Bansal talked about how Hindu Americans have integrated into the fabric of American culture while retaining their own identity. Rajiv Malhotra, Founder of Infinity Foundation, in his keynote address, explained how Hindu Americans have contributed to the American society at large. He summoned the delegates to take a leadership role in defining and integrating authentic Hindu values in the American mosaic. He said, “We Hindu Americans need to lead to redefine the American exceptionalism while maintaining mutual respect.”

More on the conference at “source” above.