
DURBAN, SOUTH AFRICA, March 19, 2020 (IOL): Religious and cultural organizations have made an unprecedented call to cancel all Easter gatherings and services as the government imposes stringent regulations to contain the Covid-19 pandemic. The number of people with Covid-19 in the country has risen to 116 from 85 in 24 hours, the government said. The Commission for Cultural and Religious Rights has appealed to churches and religious organizations to adhere to President Cyril Ramaphosa’s instruction that services or gatherings remain below 100 people.

The SA Hindu Maha Sabha said many Hindu religious and cultural organizations had postponed their important celebrations in response to the threat of the spread of Covid-19, The Brake Village Sri Siva Soobramaniar Alayam in Thongathi posted on its Facebook page that it had cancelled its Kavady celebrations and had suspended all major religious festivals and prayer services until further notice. The Mount Edgecombe-based Shri Mariammen Temple also announced its annual prayer festival had been cancelled, but remain open. “The temple management committee will take all necessary precautions and hygiene control measures, but it is advised that the onus is upon all those who will be coming to the temple to pray to exercise precautionary measures to protect themselves,” said the temple.