Source: The Hindu

DELHI, INDIA, February 23, 2002: “The world’s most graceful dress for women is just six yards of untailored cloth. A few deft operations and you step forth with poise and presence. Here in these pages is the secret of how to do it….” Thus goes a leaflet presented by the Central Cottage Industries Emporium (CCIE) to coincide with Lavanya, a sari exhibition currently on at its premises in Janpath. Featuring a fine collection of Patan Patola, Rajkot Patola, Tie and Dye from Jamnagar, Kanjeevarams and Banarasi saris, the exhibition, indeed, unravels the beauty that is the sari. To unravel the mystery of sari weaving, especially the Patan Patolas, the CCIE had arranged presentations and talk by the eminent designer Bela Singhvi on February 16. Besides propagating the art of wearing and weaving a sari, the exhibition has also brought together a breath-taking collection of some of the finest textiles of the country — a display that is sure to dazzle the visitor. Sponsored by the Development Commissioner for Handicrafts, the 10-day exhibition, which closed February 26, is also providing a glimpse of the rich embroidery work which goes into the making of a sari.