
JAKARTA, INDONESIA, August 21, 2020 (Asia News): Bali, better known as the “land of the Gods,” became over time Indonesia’s favorite destination for local and foreign visitors. Hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic, it could now reopen to international tourism by 11 September. Both local and central government authorities have sought to limit the devastating impact caused by the viral outbreak on the island’s economy. Economic losses have been “far greater” than those caused by the deadly terror attack of October 2002, which left more than 200 people dead. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, Indonesia’s tourism sector was brought to its knees. Bali is one of its most popular destinations as it offers an excellent mix of Hindu religious traditions and modern secular culture.

The authorities are expected to reopen Indonesia’s airspace and allow international flights in the next few weeks. Bali Governor I Wayan Koster said that the tourism industry will be able to restart at full capacity on 11 September. This is the third stage of a gradual reopening plan. The first stage came in July when some lockdown measures were lifted, allowing people to do their daily activities. In early August, the second stage began with Indonesians allowed to visit the island. In order to contain the pandemic and avoid outside transmission, Indonesian authorities have prepared a series of rapid tests for passengers arriving at the international airport.