KAUAI, HAWAII, February 25, 2002: In 1989, Hinduism Today published a list of ten “Hindu Megatrends.” “Megatrends” is a term coined by futurologist John Naisbett in 1982 to name the major underlying forces that are transforming society and shaping the future. To formulate our ten Hindu megatrends more than a decade ago, we solicited the advice of prominent Hindu religious leaders, scholars, priest and business people. Now we’d like your input to update the list. To give you an idea of the list, here’s the first trend, “Hindu Meekness to Hindu Pride: Though Swami Vivekananda began this trend a hundred years ago, even up to recent times Hindus were afraid to identify themselves as Hindus, or as members of a particular Hindu sect. Through the effort of many people and organizations, Hindu pride and self-confidence have replaced the self-doubt and timidness instilled during centuries of foreign rule. Native dress becomes fashionable.” The remaining trends are: 2. Village to Global Awareness; 3. East Only to East and West; 4. Men Only to Men and Women; 5. Temple Decline to Temple Revival; 6. Introverted to Extroverted; 7. Limited Tools to Great Resources: 8. Colony to Superpower; 9. Agricultural to Technological: 10. Major Blows to Fewer Setbacks. Click on “source” above to go to the complete list and description, and e-mail your comments, suggestions and revisions to megatrends@hindu.org.