
INDIA, August 22, 2020 (India Today): China’s enhancement of military facilities near Mt. Kailash includes deployment of surface-to-air missiles (SAM) with fresh constructions that started in April this year being completed now, satellite images show. Not being spared are religious sites, as satellite images show how Kailash Manasarovar, a place of religious importance to Hindus, Buddhists, Bon religionists and Jains who travel for pilgrimage, now resembles a battle zone with heavy military presence. The heavy militarization of the religious site comes amid Indo-China tussle in Ladakh and coincides with India’s road construction to Lipulekh at the India-China-Nepal tri-junction that sparked a diplomatic row between New Delhi and Kathmandu. Nepal claimed that India’s road construction was in disputed territory between the two countries.

This SAM location is exactly 56 miles from Indian borders, suggesting that medium-range SAMs could also be deployed there, if required. The People’s Liberation Army (PLA) had a small detachment earlier supposedly prepared for the convenience and security of pilgrims visiting Mt Kailash. It used to be manned by a section of People’s Armed Police but now turned into a garrison with many hotels and houses built around it, and manned by the PLA. In the name of infrastructure development, houses of Tibetans are being taken over, razed to the ground and new hotels are being constructed. China has been trying to control the access of Indians to Mt Kailash and Manasarovar for a long time by opening and closing various routes while giving different reasons.

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