
INDIA, August 6, 2020 (Swarajyamag by M. Nageswara Rao): India is a unique country. What makes it bizarrely unique is that the Constitution denies the majority indigenous Hindus the same rights as those given to the minority non-Hindus. This reduces Hindus to a form of second-class citizens in their own secular country, created after a faith-based partition of their ancestral land.

No doubt, Hindus have full political rights. But unlike the minorities, they don’t have freedom to run their educational institutions without undue state interference; their civilizational knowledge and ancient texts are banished from public education; by creating a false equivalence between their non-proselytizing religions and the others, they are gamed for conversion; unlike minorities, they are denied the right to manage their own temples and their religious properties; unlike minorities, they don’t have the freedom to celebrate and perpetuate their ancestral traditions without undue state interference. This is a brief snapshot of the inequality and discrimination against Hindus in matters of religion, education and culture.

Much more of this lengthy discussion at “source” above.