
INDIA, October 23, 2020 (Indian Express): Despite the Covid-19 pandemic acting as a dampener for Durga Puja festivities, statue makers and puja organizers across Bengal have kept up with the tradition of bringing unique variants of statues for celebrations this year. After the Calcutta High Court order banned visitors’ entry to pandals, organizers, in last-minute changes, also installed giant screens outside the pandals for darshan and virtual pushpanjali for devotees. Among the themes the pandals have dealt with include the Covid-19 pandemic, nation-wide lockdown, the India-China border dispute and migrants walking back to their home states during the lockdown among others. The festival of Durga Puja coincides with the nine-day/night Navratri festivities, which essentially celebrates and reveres the nine most prominent forms of Goddess Durga.

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