LUCKNOW, INDIA, March 2, 2002: Monks and corporate head honchos shared the same podium at a meeting where talks centered around value-based leadership in boardrooms and workshops. “The meet is trying to find a common ground where the sages are reaching out to boardrooms and companies are looking at the inner self to evolve as a value-based organization,” said Prof Debashish Chatterjee, HoD, Center for Leadership and Human Values, IIM Lucknow on Friday at the start of the two-day conference on “Value-Based Leadership: From Knowledge to Action” organized by Ramakrishna Mission Sevashrama, Lucknow, Indian Institute of Management, Lucknow, and the Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur. G Narayana, executive chairman, Excel, gave a simple mantra to the audience, “Go to GOD.” Only his GOD stood for Group Organization Direction that meant that the companies would have to collaborate and compete in the future to attain leadership and this was possible only if there is a “stable and able” leader at the helm. Swami Muktinathananda, secretary, Ramakrishna Mission, Lucknow, said there was a crying need for journey from knowledge to action and inner experience to unbounded joy of consciousness. “We are all entrepreneurs in our roles and lives,” said Pritam Singh, director IIM-L. Dr. Singh termed the Indian brain as “most abundant, least expensive, most underutilized and constantly abused.”