NEW DELHI, INDIA, March 05, 2002: After a series of meetings with central ministers, the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) and Muslim leaders, Swami Jayendra Saraswati, the Shankaracharya of Kanchipuram, the latest mediator on the Ayodhya issue, said that the VHP had agreed to await the verdict of the Supreme Court on the disputed site. He also endorsed the VHP stand that bhoomi pujan (land blessing) be permitted on March 15 on the land acquired by the Centre in 1993 and that this land should be handed over to the Ramjanmabhoomi Nyas well before June 2, when the 100-day yagna in Ayodhya ends. He asked the Muslim Personal Law Board to give its approval for the handing over of this acquired land. But VHP Vice President Giriraj Kishore said no such proposal had been made yet. The religious leader also held meetings with representatives of the Muslim Personal Law Board and other Muslim leaders. Board spokesman Kamaal Far ooqi said the seer had made a proposal for a solution which would combine “both dialogue and a court settlement.”