Hinduism Today’s website, as we hope you all noticed, has undergone a complete redesign as of late upgrading both the front and back ends of the site to make it easier to manage and much faster to respond. However, in the process, we’ve had to change all the link URLs to all the articles in our archives. What was previously, for example:


is now:


We’ve manually created hundreds of redirects, as they’re called, to send people who click on the old link to the new link, but we haven’t found a way to do this globally. Also, we have no way to replace the old URL on the outside site, except in the case of Wikipedia, where there are more than a thousand referrals to Hinduism Today articles.

Wikipedia is a globally important resource for people researching Hinduism, and we want to keep it right up to date when we’re the source. To do so, we want to enlist some volunteers to manually go through Wikipedia, locate old URLs and update them in Wikipedia to their new URL.

It’s something of a tedious task, taking from a few minutes to ten minutes per URL. If you’d like to help, please contact Acharya Arumuganathaswami, Managing Editor, ar@hindu.org, for detailed instructions and record keeping.