EUGENE, OREGON, March 8, 2002: The Skipping Stones Youth Honor Awards recognize students ages 7-17 for their contributions to multicultural awareness, peace and nonviolence, social responsibility, and nature and ecology. The 2002 award themes are: 1. http: //hip /or hype? The Internet’s Impact on Multicultural Issues, and 2. World Wide Web of Nature: Technology and the Web of Life. Ten articles, poems, and photos that illustrate these themes are selected for publication in Skipping Stones magazine (Vol 14, no. 4), a multi-cultural, multi-religious magazine for youth. The entry fee of $3 (Low-income: free) brings everyone who enters a copy of the issue featuring winners. Send by June 20, 2002. For more information, contact: Youth Awards, Skipping Stones Magazine, P.O. Box 3939, Eugene, OR 97403-0939; (541) 342-4956; or e-mail “source” above.