KAUAI, HAWAII, July 16, 2021 (Hinduism Today by Rutvij Holay): The history of Hindu Influence in America dates back to the founding of our nation itself. By studying it one can gain insight into the Western arguments against Hinduism at that time, which were very much the same arguments that surround Hinduism today.

To find this influence, all one must do is look at the letters of the Founding Fathers themselves. Most know these men–Jefferson, Washington, Adams, etc.–for their work in creating the United States. In addition, it’s moderately well known that Jefferson wanted religious liberty for non-Judeo-Christian faith.

What is less known, however, is the profound respect John Adams, second president of the United States, had for Hinduism. Adams often engaged in the study of comparative theology, which is the idea of comparing various religions from the perspective of an outsider. Late in his life, long after his term as president, he began to study multiple non-Abrahamic religions, including Hinduism, and contrast them with Christianity.

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